美国佛罗里达大学Charles J. Kibert教授来院进行学术讲座分享

2022-06-08 23:14:28

    美国佛罗里达大学Charles J. Kibert教授学术讲座于2018年5月30日(星期三)晚在华南理工大学七号楼201会议室举行,由华南理工大学工程管理学社承办,讲座主题为《美国项目交付方式最新动向-建筑工业化与可持续建造》。






    Kibert教授先为大家解释了可持续建筑的概念,即建筑本身及其使用过程在生命周期中,如选址、设计、建造、运营、维护、翻新、拆除等阶段皆达成环境友善与资源有效运用的一种建筑。可持续建筑的概念就是Kibert教授本人在1993年提出的。Kibert教授从全球气候变化的角度入手,为大家讲解建筑行业要更注重环境保护的必要性,并且介绍了美国从以生态为核心到以人为本的建筑环保观念的转变,举了绿色建筑在太阳能利用和水资源循环利用方面的例子,同时还介绍了绿色建筑的例子——Apple Campus 2和The Bullitt Center,加强大家对于绿色建筑资源有效运用的理解。Kibert教授还为大家介绍了零能源建筑的概念,即自我产生能源与自我消耗能源相抵消的建筑,并以利用太阳能的建筑NREL RSF building为例讲解。


    随后,Kibert 教授讲到了产业化建造的概念,即将建筑的现场施工转化为工厂生产零件现场组装的施工方式,我们熟悉的装配式建筑就是产业化建造的代表。Kibert教授指出产业化建造将给予建筑行业的创新和IT技术的运用更多机会,并且将会有效缓解技术型人才减少和人口快速增长的压力,使建造变得更快更便宜更有价值以及更加环保。Kibert教授以位于布鲁克林的B2 Tower Atlantic Yards为例,同时提出要向中国远大集团在长沙建设的小天城学习,肯定了中国在产业化建造方面的发展和成就。



    在总结与提问环节上,Kibert 教授与在场的师生热情互动,和大家进行了丰富深入的讨论。




    最后由王幼松教授代表华南理工大学工程管理学社为Kibert 教授送上礼物,讲座在热烈的气氛中圆满结束。



    Charles J. Kibert是美国佛罗里达大学工程管理系教授,可持续建造研究中心主任,从1999至2002间担任系主任,在多个美国联邦政府部门,如环境保护署(EPA)等,担任数个职位。由于Kibert教授在科研科方面的杰出成绩和贡献,曾被授予过数项荣誉称号。本科毕业于美国西点军校,研究生毕业于卡耐基梅隆大学,博士就读于南佛罗里达大学。Kibert教授是可持续建造(sustainable construction)的鼻祖。于1994在美国佛罗里达州坦帕市举行的“首届国际可持续建造会议”上第一个提出并解释了可持续建造(sustainable construction)的概念。他写的《Sustainable Construction, Green Building Design and Delivery》一书在全球100多个国家的绿色或者可持续建筑课程作为指定教材。发表论文100多篇,其中有数篇引用次数超过100。Kibert教授主持和完成了数个国家级重大研究课题,最近一个课题是2016年从美国劳工部获得1000万美元科研基金,主要用资助其在建筑工业化方面研究。

 Charles J. Kibert教授个人主页:


Prof. Charles J. Kibert from University of Florida, giving an academic lecture in School of Civil Engineering and Transportation

    On May 30, 2018, the academic lecture given by Prof. Charles J. Kibert of the University of Florida was held at the meeting room, Room 201, Building 7, South China University of Technology. The lecture was carried out by the SCUT Construction Management society. The theme of this lecture was Recent Trends of American Delivery systems-industrialized and Sustainable Construction.



    Due to weather and some other special reasons, the lecture was postponed. However, the seemingly long wait didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the students. Prof.  Yousong Wang, the head of the Department of Construction Management of SCUT, Dr. Hui Yan, vice head of the Department of Construction Management of SCUT, and Dr. Yuanxin Zhang from Guangzhou University, attended the lecture. With the announcement of the host Li Chuting, the lecture began.

Lecture scene



    At the beginning of the lecture, Prof. Kibert explained the concept of sustainable building, that is, both the building itself and its use processes are environmentally friendly and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. The concept of sustainable building was put forward by Prof. Kibert in 1993. Starting from the perspective of global climate change, he explained the necessity for the construction industry to attach more importance to environmental protection.

    Prof. Kibert then introduced   the transformation   of the concept of building environmental protection in United states, from the core of ecology to human-oriented, and listed the use of solar energy and water cycle in green building. Some typical examples of green buildings, Apple Campus 2 and The Bullitt Center, were mentioned to help the audience better understand the effective use of green building resources. Prof. Kibert later introduced the concept of zero-energy building, which produces energy that offsets its own energy consumption with the example of NREL RSF building using solar energy.

    Prof. Kibert spoke of the concept of systems-industrialized construction, in which case the site construction will be turned into being assembled directly in field after processing in the factories. The representatives of the industrialization that we are familiar with is prefabricated building. Prof. Kibert pointed out that the industrialization of the building will provide more opportunities for the innovation of the construction industry and the use of IT technology. It can also effectively relieve the pressure brought by the reduction of technical talents and rapid population growth, make construction faster, cheaper, more valuable and more environmentally friendly.

    Taking an example of B2 Tower Atlantic Yards in Brooklyn, Prof. Kibert proposed to learn from Xiao Tiancheng Building of China Grand Enterprises in Changsha. He affirmed the development and achievements of China's industrial construction.


Summary and Q&A 

    In the summary and Q&A sessions, Prof. Kibert interacted with present teachers and students enthusiastically. 



    Finally, Prof. Wang presented a gift to Prof. Kibert on behalf of Construction Management society. The lecture was successfully ended in a warm atmosphere.

Group Photo

A brief introduction of the speaker

    Charles J. Kibert is professor of   construction management  in Florida University, head of the sustainable construction researching center, worked as Dean from1999 to 2002, and worked in several positions in several departments of federal government, such as EPA, etc. For the outstanding achievement and contribution in researching area, Prof. Kibert was awarded with multi-titles of honor.  He got undergraduate degree in the United states Military Academy, got postgraduate degree in Carnegie Mellon University and got doctorate in the South Florida University.

    Prof. Kibert is the founder of sustainable construction. At the first international conference on sustainable construction held in Tampa, Florida in 1994, he was the first to propose and explain the concept of sustainable construction. His book "Sustainable Construction, Green Building Design and Delivery" has become the set text on the subject about green or sustainable building in over 100 countries around the world. He has published over 100 papers, among which several papers were cited more than a hundred times. Prof. Kibert also carried out and accomplished several important research projects of national level. His latest research project has obtained $10 million research funding from US Department of Labor in 2016, which is mainly used to finance his research on construction industrialization.

Prof. Kibert's personal page:


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