
2021-09-29 01:42:04


在印第安纳沙丘国家湖岸区(Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore),你可以沿着45英里长的徒步小道走过湿地、草原和森林,但主要景色其实是沙丘本身。




At Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, you can hike through 45 miles of trails that wind through wetlands, prairies and forests, but the main attractions are the sand dunes themselves.

The dunes, which run up and down the west coast of Lake Michigan, are a beautiful scene of rolling hills covered in beach grass and smooth driftwood. There’s nothing quite like sitting on top of a sand dune and looking out over a tranquil Lake Michigan.

Even the sand is great. The clean powdery sands produced by the fresh waters are so fine that your feet sink right into it and produce a squeaking sound when you walk on it. What do you think it sounds like?

Find out more athttp://www.nps.gov/indu/index.htm


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