
2021-07-27 18:21:06






The race started in 1980 to "fill the gap" in between the years that the PE to East London race is run.

2013年,Hank McGregor以仅快半分钟的成绩,打破Sean Rice2010年创下的3小时40分钟纪录。

2013 Saw Hank McGregor shave just over half a minute off of Sean Rice's record  of 3hr 40 mins (2010).

曾两度问鼎的大神包括:Herman Chalupsky; Oscar Chalupsky(豹姐注:原EPIC开朝元老,最著名的V10设计师,2015年到NELO负责冲浪艇事业); Paul Marais, Dawid Mocke(豹姐注:Mocke一家都牛掰掰的,比如Jasper和Nikki), Peter Creese 和Hank McGregor(豹姐注:传奇Hank家的宝宝可萌萌哒叻,和小豹子有的一拼,哈哈哈~).

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People who have won the race twice include: Herman Chalupsky; Oscar Chalupsky; Paul Marais, Dawid Mocke, Peter Creese and Hank McGregor.

Hank McGregor令人震惊的已六度问鼎,Michelle Eray则在女子组别4次称冠!

Hank McGregor has won the race a staggering 6 times with Michelle Eray having  won the ladies race four times!


Out of the 19 races held so far, 2 have had strong north-westerly winds; 11 have had strong south-easterly winds; and 6 had calm conditions.



1984 and 1995 there were extremely strong south-easterly winds. Looks like every ten years, the south-easter howls.

1984年有31位报名参赛,Soetwater风力28节,6位选手在赛前就弃权了,15人在Tommy Tucker前放弃。据测量,开普敦的风力达到史无前例的47节,开普敦挑战赛传奇诞生。冠军花费6个小时完成了比赛。

1984 there were 31 entries. The wind at Soetwater was blowing 28kts, 6 competitors withdrew before the start. 15 more retired before Tommy Tucker. The wind was measured at 47kts at Cape Point, making this the year the Cape Point Challenge legend was born. The winners took over 6 hours to complete the course.

1995年组织方改变了赛线,从Buffels到Cape Point再回到Fish Hoek.

1995 the organisers changed the course, which ran from Buffels to Cape Point and back to Fish Hoek.


2005年,由于大风和巨浪,组织方不得不把赛线改为从Fish Hoek到Cape Point后返回,全程56公里,这年有250人报名参赛,Dawid Mocke第一次夺冠,Nikki Mocke则收获第二个冠军头衔。

2005 organisers were forced to run the course from Fish Hoek to Cape Point and back (56km) due to high winds and excessive swell. There were 250 entrants this year. Dawid Mocke won his first CPC and Nikki Mocke, her second.(豹姐全文翻译,版权所有,转贴请向豹姐申请并注明来源) 


2006 The decision was taken to stage the event annually starting in 2007

2007年,赛程中大多数时候都是Peter Cole领先,然而在距离终点5公里时,来自德班的Daryl Bartho超了他,Bianca Beavitt获得女子冠军。

2007 Peter Cole lead for most of the race but was overtaken by Durban's Daryl Bartho just 5km from the finish, Bianca Beavitt won the ladies.

2008年,赛线再一次改变既定规划,从Scarborough出发,取消了水牛湾强制休息10分钟,桨手绕过好望角后,一路东南风直接骑浪到Fish Hoek,共计50公里。Hank McGregor喜获第一个单人艇冠军头衔,Michelle Eray也第一次加冕。

2008 The course was again changed to its current format to start in Scarborough. The compulsory 10 minute stop at Buffels Bay was taken out and paddlers rounded Cape Point and headed straight downwind with the southeaster to Fish Hoek - a distance of 50 km. Hank McGregor won his first singles title, while Michelle Eray won her first title.

2009年,由于好望角刮起30节强劲东南风,赛道开始于西蒙镇,桨手划到水牛湾后,往好望角绕标,最后回到Fish Hoek。Dawid Mocke再次问鼎冠军,Michelle Eray也二度封后。

2009 Due to a howling 30kt southeaster blowing at Cape Point, the course started in Simons Town. Paddlers paddled to Buffels Bay and then out to Cape Point, where they rounded a bouy and back to Fish Hoek. Dawid Mocke triumphed for a second time with Michelle Eray also picking up her second title.

2010年,海面一片宁静如镜子般,Sean Rice领控全场,以3小时40分钟的成绩刷新好望角纪录,Michele Eray三度封后。

2010 Flat glassy conditions greeted the paddlers with Sean Rice taking control of star studded field as he rounded Cape Point to set a new record of 3hr 40mins. Michele Eray won the race for the 3rd time.

2011年,海况超666,Hank McGregor拿下好望角赛事,第二次夺冠,Alexa Cole封后。

2011 Again, the conditions were picture perfect with Hank McGregor taking control once rounding Cape Point, to take his second title. Alexa Cole won the ladies.

2012年,艰苦的NW挑战。比赛开始时,海面像煎饼辣么平,但整个早上风呼呼滴稳步加强。今年看到了有史以来最为荣耀的7人冲线:Hank Mc Gregor, Sean Rice, Grant V D Walt, Simon Van Gysen, Jasper Mocke, Richard von Wildermann和Dawid Mocke。Hank和Dawid Mocke冠亚军之差仅20秒。

2012 It was a gruelling NW Challenge. The race started flat as a pancake, but the wind picked up steadily throughout the morning. This year saw the closest finish ever with 7 guys sprinting for the line honours... Hank Mc Gregor, Sean Rice, Grant V D Walt, Simon Van Gysen, Jasper Mocke, Richard von Wildermann & Dawid Mocke. The diffrence Hank and Dawid was a slender 20 seconds.

2013年,由于在大西洋一侧刮强劲东南风,有巨涌,赛道再度从西蒙镇出发。桨手划到好望角绕标回到Fish Hoek。Hank MacGregor四度封冠,Nikki Mocke获得女子冠军!在授奖时,Hank形容这浪说,幸得组织方英明,没让大家绕好望角。(估计绕了就不好望了>.<)

2013 Due to a very strong southeaster and a huge swell on the Atlantic side, the course started in Simons Town again. Paddlers paddled to Cape Point, where they rounded a bouy and back to Fish Hoek. Hank MacGregor scooped his 4th win with Nikki Mocke taking the ladies title. At prize giving, Hank commented on the size of the surf and credited the organizers with a good decision in not going around the point!






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